Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Growing cuteness

Jayden, this week you have surprised me with little sayings and big attitude! Your vocabulary is expanding each day. From the ever popular, "No!" to the new phrase, "Yes, I've got my money!" when I asked you if you were ready to go to Wal-Mart. This cracked me up, as I have never told you or asked you to have money when we go shopping. We haven't started an allowance just yet, so this caught me off guard.

The other day, I had done too much and I needed to lie down (25 weeks pregnant), I told you I didn't feel good. I asked you if you could make me feel better. You said, "No, it's too late...but I will lie down with you." You then kissed me and said, "I miss my Heidi." I agreed with you, and we called her.

Recently, we were at Hobby Lobby and you were in the back of the cart which is made of some sort of honeycomb type pattern. You looked at it and asked, "What is this, an octagon?" I laughed and counted the sides and let you know that it was a hexagon. I figure if you're going to go that far, I'm going to tell you the right little genius! Thanks Team Umizoomi!

We watched the Potty Training DVD today, needless to say it was on repeat. After lunch, you told me you needed to pee (not something you do...ever!) so I said why not and we went to the bathroom to give it a shot. You sat on your potty and I sat down in front of you and I asked after a couple of minutes, "Can you push the tee-tee out?" You proceeded to push on the potty as if it had buttons to push on it to make the pee come out. Ah, this attempt is over I presume.

As you do multiple times throughout the day, you came to me and asked me what color something was. We're watching Dora, so I figure why not tell you what the color is in spanish while we're at it. You had a red ball and an orange ball. I told you rojo and anaranjado. You corrected me on the red and told me it was "hóng sè." I stand corrected again.

The learning continues.

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