Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Henley, I'm so ready to meet you. I'm so ready to see your sweet face. Being a stay at home mom and pregnant is so much different than being a working mom while pregnant. Surprisingly, I believe that the time is passing slower this time around. My days are filled with your big sister running around, playing, & coloring. My time is spent watching her do these things, watching her learn, fuss, count, play "mommy" with her dolls, and unfortunately get new boo-boo's along the way. My activities include fixing breakfast, lunch and dinner each day. Washing clothes (your big sister likes to help with this chore), cleaning house (a never ending battle in which your sister does NOT take part in), blogging...hey, I have to take a break at some point. Jayden and I also enjoy spending time outside now that the weather has warmed up. When everything has wound down after dinner, I try to make time to study this at home coding thing I hope to make my job once you are here. With all this going on each day, it still seems to be creeping by. Yesterday, I decided would be my last day visiting the bump website for a while at least because it's only a daily reminder of exactly how many days I have left in this pregnancy and 81 (as of today) just seems like too long, buddy. I am going to try to occupy myself with more important things like nesting in order to prepare for your arrival rather than just wishing each day away waiting to meet you. It will be here before I know it, so I need to make my priorities your big sister, our family, staying healthy for you, and studying for this job. I want to be able to stay at home with both of you once you are here and that is what I have to do to get there! Can't wait to meet you little angel.