Thursday, May 17, 2012

Henley didn't want to wait any longer either

Tuesday morning around 2:30am, I woke up with a tightening right down the middle of my abdomen and cramps. This has happened before but it would be just once and go away. When I woke with this feeling, I was also starving. I kept feeling this discomfort so I figured I'd do something for the hunger. I drank a protein shake while standing in the bathroom trying to pass time and see what would come of this. Would it go away? Would it get worse? Do I wake up Heidi yet? The pain never got worse but it certainly didn't get better and I decided to time these pains, which I assumed to now be real contractions. They were around 7 minutes apart and I knew at this point, there was no trying to go back to sleep. I woke Heidi up and she told me to call the Dr. I called, and they told me the expected, "Go to L&D so they can check you out." So, we got our stuff together and I made sure I brought a bottle of water with me to hopefully help any dehydration. My delivery with Jayden had me poked 5 times for an IV because I was too dehydrated...not a great feeling. I called my dad to see if he would meet us to watch Jayden. We left the house and headed that way. We dropped Jayden off with her PaPa and GiGi and the gas light came on...of course. I told Heidi my pain wasn't getting worse, just get $5 or $10 now. The last thing we need is to NOT make it to the hospital! We stop for gas, and continue on our way at about 85 miles an hour to downtown B'ham. We get to the hospital where about 6 or 7 nurses are just waiting for something to do. I go into Triage room 2...I'm pretty sure the same one I had been in nearly 3 years earlier for high BP issues with Jayden. I get hooked up to the monitors to check not only me but baby. Baby's heartbeat is fine and I was in fact having contractions and they were 7 minutes apart. My urine was clear and no infection present. I was given the 3 allowed shots of Brethine (one every 30 minutes if contractions continue). The only side affect I was told of this medicine was a rapid heartbeat. This was true, but I also felt shaky...I guess because I hadn't really had food since dinner the night before. After the 3rd shot, my contractions continued although they seemed further apart. The Dr came in at this point and checked everything again (great!). He then prescribed Procardia XL 30mg once a day to help stop the contractions. I was asked if I work. I answered that I was a SAHM to a 3 year old and I also watch a 1 year old. I was told I shouldn't be picking either of them up at this point as it could make me contract.  I was then told I was on mild bedrest. The nurse said I would be on this until at least 36 weeks. I was told to make an appointment for the next week at my regular OB so they could check me again and see how the meds are working for me. I go back on Monday and I can't wait to learn more about how the rest of the process may go. Now that I'm home, I've had several Braxton Hicks contractions which I didn't have at all before the real ones came this week. How weird is that?


  1. My nephew is ready to meet me!! Do we have to take you dancing again!?!

  2. He is ready to show his precious self. I shouldn't go dancing again at least until 2 weeks from tomorrow. I believe that's how long I'll be on this medicine at least. He needs to continue "baking." ;)
